Cofidest group

The COFIDEST group was founded in 1976 in Thonon-les-Bains. Since its inception, the accounting and auditing firm has continued to develop and has gradually expanded into the Haute-Savoie, Savoie, Isère and Geneva regions through external growth, by taking over firms in the region.

Today, the group has 9 sites in Annecy, Bonneville, Chambéry, Geneva, Grenoble, Grésy-sur-Aix, Sallanches, Thonon-les-Bains and Ville-la-Grand and more than 150 employees.

The COFIDEST group is above all a recognised signature and a professional team to serve companies and their managers through our many expert services: accounting, auditing, social and human resources management, taxation, company creation, company transfers, company management, private management, companies in difficulty, real estate, the non-profit sector, marketing/communication and training.

Do you need advice, an accounting audit or a financial expertise vision?

Take advantage of our vision of modern accountancy in Grenoble to see the horizon more serenely!

Cofidest Group

Accounting and auditing firm in the Rhônes Alpes region.

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